Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ten Buck Fridays Poll: July 25 - 30

We have an exciting group of patriots in our TBF poll this week. Some of the candidates are running against real villains; but our heroes are as good as their Democratic opponents are evil (check out the links below for details). Good luck deciding how to vote. Excellent choices make for tough decisions:

Poll is closed. Here is the winner.
New poll here!

Bloggers: Share this poll; results will be cumulative!

Why these rising conservative stars are important...

Christine O'Donnell (DE-Sen) Patricia Sullivan (FL-8)
Allen West (FL-22)John Faulk (TX-18)
Tim Scott (SC-1)
John Dennis (CA-8)Marco Rubio (FL-Sen)Sharron Angle (NV-Sen)Morgan Philpot (UT-2)Todd Young (IN-9)
After researching our candidates this week, I can hardly wait until November! Thank you for all the great nominations.

Please continue nominating your favorite candidates.


Contribute to last week's winner, Chip Cravaack.

What form of government would you prefer?

Lilac Sunday: My email to Rush Limbaugh

Tell the big talkers about TBF:



Randy-g said...

Poll is up and linked for all nine of my readers! Thanks for keeping it moving RK.Good work, damn good work.

No Sheeples Here! said...

Go West! Lt. Col. Allen West is oxygen for the soul. He will help us win back Washington!

BaldEaglet said...

Patricia Sullivan vs Alan "Die Quickly" Grayson - Gotta get rid of that guy. Go Patricia.

Lilac Sunday said...

The poll is up. Thank you again for all you've done.

robot said...

Linked and poll is up! Lots of great candidates this week.
Great job! Go John Faulk! We need to oust Queen Sheila!

Stephen R. Maloney said...

Two more important conservatives to look at are Daria Novak, running aginst liberal John Courtney in CT CD 02 and Dr. Donna Campbell (running against leftist Lloyd Doggett in TX CD 25. Both are very good people with outside chances of winning.

The Conservative Lady said...

All posts are up. Thanks for the hard work and time you've put into this effort.

DEConservative said...

Only Christine's seat can help stop the Democrats in their tracks. Her special election victory would ensure 40 Senate votes for Republicans AND keep Mike Castle, the Cap and Trade supporter and DISCLOSE Bill author from voting twice for his deadly bills.

Maggie Thornton said...

Looks like a great field. We'll have to do some serious thinking if none of the candidates are in our own state. The profiles you've added are helpful.


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July 26, 2010 at 10:23 am
Thanks for the nomination of John Faulk to TBF. The people of the country need people like John Faulk who will stand up to the progressives in our government. SJL has been there far too long. In case others don’t know about SJL, she is the representative from Texas who stood on the floor of Congress and said it was her dishonor to represent Texas. She is the representative who has trouble differeintiating between the Moon and Mars! She is the representative who said Tea Partiers were just KKK members who had taken off their sheets! She is the member of the House Forreign Relatins Committee who doesn’t realize there is no longer a North and South Viet Nam! Need I say more? Please vote for John Faulk!

Beth said...

Vote Patricia Sullivan and Defeat Alan Grayson!
Patricia Sullivan "The People's Candidate: FACT she is running a Real "GrassRoots" campaign, FACT she has a Volunteer "Patriot Army" working hard for her every day throughout the entire district, FACT she is the ONLY Republican Candidate to make the Ballot by over 5000 Signed Voter Petitions, FACT she is the ONLY Female in the race, Potential FACT (this one we are still researching) she is the ONLY Female Candidate from Lake County to EVER run for Federal Office, the FACT that she is not a Politician, the FACT that she is a Patriot, FACT she Does Not SEEK FAME or a NAME for herself she seeks to be a VOICE for the PEOPLE, FACT Patricia's Endorsements are from "WE THE PEOPLE" and Not From Politicians, FACT she IS the REAL TEA PARTY Movement, FACT she does not take money from Special Interests and tie herself to them, and FACT she DOES MORE WITH LESS and Exhibits her Fiscal Responsibility, just for starters!

Ron said...

Loving Patricia Sullivan. All ten are great patriots, but PLEASE help us get rid of Grayson.

HoosierMom said...

Just found out about this awesome idea! Is there anyway to get Marlin Stutzman from Indiana listed again? Have you seen his latest polls? He's winning almost 2-1, but he could use the financial help.

Unknown said...

Tomball Tea Party says GO JOHN FAILK we have had enough of blundering MADAM MOTOR MOUTH, SLJ. The whole country is behind you. InNovember 18 will have a bright new face.

The_Infamous_Shredder said...

I want to get my candidate in this contest.

Mike Stopa for Congress.
Meet Mike

Mike Stopa VS Obama