Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ten Buck Fridays: Anna Little Wins!

Who's that standing with the intrepid Governor Christie? It's the next congresswoman from New Jersey's 6th Congressional District, Anna Little.

Anna Little reached out to the Ten Buck Fridays network for support, and she surely got it. Running away with 42% of the vote in a ten-way race, Little is the hands-down victor in this week's Ten Buck Fridays fundraising poll.

TBF bloggers and enthusiasts can be very proud of their support for this phenomenal candidate.

This week, we had a great lineup of conservative candidates, but I want to encourage everyone who voted in the TBF poll this week to rally behind the winner with a $10 donation. Some have an expressed a desire to give to multiple candidates, and that, of course, is strongly encouraged. (And don't forget, every week brings another winner.)

My wife and I will be giving to both Anna Little and Liz Carter under the TBF banner today.

Getting back to this week's winner, Anna Little is an ideal candidate for a TBF money bomb. She won the GOP primary despite a 10:1 financial disadvantage. Think about that: A $10 donation to the Little campaign could pack a $100 punch!

Warning: Anna Little is facing a well-funded Democratic incumbent. She and her supporters really need our help.

With our assistance, Anna, just like Chris Christie, can win in NJ-6.

Donate directly to Anna Little here.

Don't forget to label your donation "Ten Buck Fridays" in the occupation field as illustrated below!

NOTE: You do NOT need a PayPal account to contribute to Anna Little with a credit card. Just fill out this form and keep going:

At the very end, you can skip this part entirely:

Who supports Ten Buck Fridays? Glad you asked.

Update: The Anna Little campaign has contacted me to say that "there are many TBF designated donations coming through." I will provide more detailed info ASAP.


RightKlik said...

If someone with the Anna Little campaign could kindly provide feedback on the amount donated by TBF donors, please email me at

Reaganite Independent said...

Linked at Reaganite Republican- great job RK!

Have a great 4th... and God Bless America


The Conservative Lady said...

Hi RK:
All posts are done.
Smart Girl Politics
Team Sarah
Here's FreedomWorks link:

Anna Little sure sweeped the poll with 42%.

And what a great success TBF has been this week. 941 total votes! You are commended...Great work!

The Conservative Lady said...

Oops...forgot to leave my recommendation for next week.
Marco Rubio (no surprise)

robot said...

Linked! Been busy today, I'm a "little" late to the party. Better late than never though.
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Anna Little! Yea!!!!!!!

How about Dr. Eric Wargotz for next weeks poll?

Just a conservative girl said...

I did get a comment from one of her supporters on my post. They are feeling very postive that they can win in November.

Good for her. The guy she is running against helped write Obamacare, and is going for his 12th term. Time for him to go.

Just a conservative girl said...

Oh, I heard today that Harry Reid is closing the gap with Sharon Angle. She needs to be added to the list, she will need big bucks to stay competitive in her race.

Lilac Sunday said...

What a wonderful idea! Right Klik, I've linked to your site and am spreading the word.

RightKlik said...

TCL: Wow, you're super fast. Thank you!

RR: Many thanks!

LhC: Thank you! Link much appreciated!

Anon: Thank you

JCG: He helped write ObamaCare?! We're taking him down!

Yes, I think if it's okay with everyone will say that after two weeks, and candidate is eligible to be nominated again.

What does everyone think about that?

Little's people are already asking about their next opportunity.

RightKlik said...

Lilac: Thank you!