Monday, July 26, 2010

Patricia Sullivan Needs Your Help!

Patricia Sullivan wants to unseat Alan Grayson, one of the most vile and hateful demagogues of the left wing. If Sullivan wins the GOP primary in FL-8 on August 24, she'll have that opportunity.

Sullivan has reached out to conservatives for TBF support. Here's what she had to say on Facebook:

VOTE FOR PATRICIA SULLIVAN ... even if you're not in Florida's District 8!

Right Klik and a team of over 60 conservative bloggers are looking for a PATRIOT to promote in this week's installment of TEN BUCK FRIDAYS, and one of the ten nominees is District 8's own "PATRIOT NOT POLITICIAN" PATRICIA SULLIVAN!

Help put government back in the hands of the people by heading over to Right Klik and voting for PATRICIA SULLIVAN in this week's poll.

A WIN means exposure on dozens of conservative blogs and donations from PATRIOTS all over the country.

This is GRASSROOTS campaigning at it's finest, so don't forget to invite your friends to VOTE FOR PATRICIA SULLIVAN too!

Here's one of Patricia Sullivan's promotional videos:

Some Patricia Sullivan photos:

Marco Rubio with Patricia Sullivan at CPAC in Washington

The omnipresent R.S. McCain peeks around the corner.

Patricia Sullivan info:

Have you voted in this week's TBF poll?


BaldEaglet said...

I love this video from Patricia's site. Meet the Sullivans. Please watch it. I think it says a lot about what kind of candidate Patricia Sullivan is. Her children are truly a joy to know - a tribute to some first-class homeschooling and a lot of good old fashioned parenting.

Patricia's just a real representative (a rarity to be sure) - one of us - a solid 180-degree turn from Alan "Die Quickly" Grayson. And this fabulous Mama Grizzly organized a tea party when the movement was in its infancy and brought together over a thousand patriots. She's amazing. Please support her.

Anonymous said...

I pray Patricia takes Grayson out... She is a true Patriot and will put morals and values back on top... Thanks for all you do. Vote for the People vote for Freedom in America Vote for Patricia!! Grandma Gail