Thursday, June 24, 2010

Still recovering human remains from Ground Zero while plans for Ground Zero mosque moved full steam ahead

Lovely. While plans for the Ground Zero Center for Jihad moved full steam ahead, workers were still recovering human remains from the World Trade Center site this year:

New York City officials say a renewed search this year of debris in and around the World Trade Center site has recovered 72 human remains...

The greatest number of remains – 37 – were found from material underneath West Street, a highway on the west side of ground zero. The new debris was uncovered as construction work made new parts of the site accessible.

Building a mosque amid infidel remains...isn't conquest sweet?


The Ground Zero Mosque and Conquest

Ground Zero Imam: ‘I Don’t Believe in Religious Dialogue’


Ray said...

I had not seen this. Amazing. Simply amazing.

RightKlik said...

CR: truly

Maggie Thornton said...

No need for "religious dialog" when prayers for the demise of the West - five times a day, is so much more effective - or so they think.

This is an incredible story, and more incredible that the mayor of New York would let this obscene thing loom over a burial ground, there because Muslim worshipers made it happen.

The Conservative Lady said...

Why in the world would the leaders in NYC allow the building of a mosque so close to Ground Zero? Political correctness is going to be the end of us.

Ray said...

You know I think there's actually 2, 1 down the block. :(

Anonymous said...

This is how it begins. If Islam is not challenged we will see it spread and do too us what it is doing to Europe.