Lovely. While plans for the Ground Zero Center for Jihad moved full steam ahead, workers were still recovering human remains from the World Trade Center site this year:
New York City officials say a renewed search this year of debris in and around the World Trade Center site has recovered 72 human remains...
The greatest number of remains – 37 – were found from material underneath West Street, a highway on the west side of ground zero. The new debris was uncovered as construction work made new parts of the site accessible.
Building a mosque amid infidel remains...isn't conquest sweet?
The Ground Zero Mosque and Conquest
Ground Zero Imam: ‘I Don’t Believe in Religious Dialogue’
I had not seen this. Amazing. Simply amazing.
CR: truly
No need for "religious dialog" when prayers for the demise of the West - five times a day, is so much more effective - or so they think.
This is an incredible story, and more incredible that the mayor of New York would let this obscene thing loom over a burial ground, there because Muslim worshipers made it happen.
Why in the world would the leaders in NYC allow the building of a mosque so close to Ground Zero? Political correctness is going to be the end of us.
You know I think there's actually 2, 1 down the block. :(
This is how it begins. If Islam is not challenged we will see it spread and do too us what it is doing to Europe.
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