Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Somewhat Super Tuesday

I should be analyzing yesterday's election results or doing other important things, but I'd rather go to the beach, and Baby RightKlik is ready to roll. So I'm playing hooky today!


Adrienne said...

Baby RK is the most seriously cute baby - evuh!!

RightKlik said...

Adrienne: Thanks! :)

Unknown said...

What a cutie! I say there is nothing that beats the beach!!

Left Coast Rebel said...

Sounds like you know the most important priority in life :)

Z said...

Oh, my gosh, is she PRETTY! thanks for the pic!

RightKlik said...

GJ: Thank you. And the beach is so much more fun with kidz.

LCR: If not for family, I'm not sure I would care about politics. Why fight the fight if not for the next generation...

Z: Thanks for stopping by!