Friday, June 18, 2010

Ten Buck Fridays: Sharron Angle

With 40% of the vote, Sharron Angle wins in the first weekly "Ten Buck Fridays" Poll. Please send $10 to Sharron Angle today. Help defeat Dingy Harry in Nevada. Retire the Senate Majority leader!

Sharron Angle donation page.

Who will win next week? Be sure to check out RK's Sunday post to make a nomination for next week's poll.

Check this out...

Bloggers who support Ten Buck Fridays:


Smell the liberal fear:

Helloooo...... Mr. President

Lib ridicule is the sincerest form of flattery!

Let me know if you want your name on one of these lists!


Left Coast Rebel said...

RK - Angle is at the top of my '10 buck' list, this goes up tomorrow at my site too!

RightKlik said...

LCR: Thank you!

Z said...

Rick Barber's another one...from Alabama, facing a primary run off.I sent him a little money and do you know he CALLED ME YESTERDAY? I couldn't believe it...'because you cared to give even tho you're in California'...isn't that amazing? I have his site at my place.
This is a GREAT IDEA, RK...
I'm sending Angle money NOW, thanks for the link.

Z said...

Thought I'd come tell you I mentioned this great idea of blogging like this for donations to a friend just now on the phone and my friend asked me to send Angle's site so she could donate, too!
Good work, RK!

Sue said...

candidates like Angle are why your party is killing itself, don't you see it?? This country will not put teabaggers into higher office positions!! Good grief people wise up!

The Conservative Lady said...

Glad to see Sharron Angel won the poll. She has gotten my donation and I'm looking forward to your weekly poll to help support good candidates.
I've linked to it on TCL FB and will do so at TCL Blog. It's a great idea.

Debra's Diary said...

The Idiots are at it again. This time with a vengeance.
Please have a look at what they are saying about you.

Sue said...

Oooooooh, a vengeance! LOLOL

David said...

were is obama at during all this hes suppose to protect this country from any enemy its oil this time.whats he doing just blaming the oil company.does anybody remember Katrina and how bush got bashed for that wheres the media in this obama has done nothing but extort money from BP..
The traitorous Americans who voted for the socialist tyrant who occupies the White House should get down on their knees and thank Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin for speaking out against the evil that is the Democrat agenda. Hey OBAMA !!! get off the golf course and help the jerk!

NUNYA said...

Don't Blame me I voted for the Old Senile White Guy!

Obama and the democrat terds treats Americans like step children . But obama is the first to run to other countries to fix their crap with American tax dollars and let the citizens starve and homeless on the streets. obama first citizens second. Waited 50 plus days to do something about the spill. No leadership from an idiot president. HEY OBAMA THE NOBLES CALLED THEY WANT THEIR PEACE PRIZE BACK

Anonymous said...

Great idea, thanks for doing this. I am going to have to jump on this one too with support of a local canidate Buddy Simpson Next Friday.