Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ten Buck Fridays: Poll

One of the things I love about the New Media is how quickly news and information can explode. A meritorious idea or an interesting politician can emerge to prominence literally overnight, even from the most obscure corners of the electronic jungle.

Wandering aimlessly through the digital thicket, I recently stumbled across an idea that I believe deserves to go viral: Ten Buck Fridays.

Conceived over at Conscientiously Conservative, the idea is to encourage like-minded conservatives to give $10 per week (until election day) to principled conservative candidates who need help:

Ten Buck Fridays started today for me. I donated $10 to Teresa Collett's campaign for 4th Congressional District in Minnesota. Many of us get paid on Fridays... if we bring a sack lunch a couple of times a week to work, right there is an extra tenner.

What if conservatives donated $10 each and every week up through November to viable candidates and/or PAC's that are promoting a conservative agenda? If you can't afford every week, what about twice a month? Or once a month? Conservatives need to put their money where their mouth is. Commit to Ten Buck Fridays... it WILL make a difference come November!.

This is simply brilliant. Think of the idea as an informal PAC.

I'd like to try to get more conservatives on board, not only to participate, but also to help promote this idea. Remember, this is completely informal: no middlemen. Everyone is urged to voluntarily give a small (or large) amount on a weekly basis directly to the candidate of their choice.

Tinkering around with the idea, I thought it would be helpful to organize the effort by crowdsourcing the question of which candidates to support.

Each Sunday, deserving candidates will be nominated. Polling through the next several days will determine the crowd favorite...and on Friday, a good conservative will be hit with a grassroots money bomb!

Imagine what a thousand conservatives could accomplish in unison. Ten thousand dollars a week would grab a lot of attention and could help some candidates who really need it.

To ensure that the money bomb is duly noted by the recipients, I'd also like to encourage participants to label their contribution "Ten Bucks Fridays" in online donation forms.
LCR, MNR, RK and CC are all on board. Will you join us?


Hack Wilson on board!

Lady Cincinnatus promoting $10 Fridays!

Ed4Congress supports $10 Fridays!

Support for $10 Fridays on Twitter:

First Poll

Twitter: #TenBuckFridays


Anonymous said...

I voted for Sharron Angle. :)

I was thinking Meg Whitman, but then again, she's so rich she probably forgot that they print any denomination smaller than 50.

Matthew Newman said...

Renee Ellmers - she'll need the money a lot to take down the Congressman who assaulted a man.

JINGOIST said...

RK I love the idea! I'll give more than $10/week because I think it's an amazing idea! Let me start with a healthy donation to Michelle Bachmann. She's been targeted for "special treatment" by the left-wing nut roots in Minnesota.

RightKlik said...

RFYA: Good point! Give to the candidates who really need it.

MRN: I really want to take her opponent down.

JINGOIST: Please share the idea on your blog.

Michele Bachmann is great. She needs help. Libs are focusing on her like a laser.