Christine O'Donnell (DE)
Renee Ellmers (NC)
Michele Bachmann (MN)
Marco Rubio (FL)
Buddy Simpson (GA)
Andy Barr (KY)
Daria Novak (CT)
Jim Rutledge (MD)
Susana Martinez (NM)
Rick Berg (ND)
Nominations for Star Parker came in just before this poll was posted, so Parker will be a nominee for next week.
Feel free to leave nominations for next week's poll in the comments.
Learn more about Ten Buck Fridays:
- Mind Numbed Robot: The big picture
- TOM: Ten Buck Fridays is a wonderful way to express political will in a fashion that shall no doubt bring tears of frustration to the eyes of an elitist near you.
Thank you to all the bloggers who have spread the word about TBF:
Stop the ACLU, Proof Positive, just a conservative girl, Old Line Elephant, JBlog Central, Maggie's Notebook, Polemicon, The Conservative Lady, Right Truth, The Camp of The Saints, AmericanNation, GeeeeeZ!, Randy's Roundtable, Left Coast Rebel, Mind Numbed Robot, Hack Wilson, The War Planner, Libertarian Advocate, Lady Cincinnatus, RightKlik and the mind behind TBF... Conscientiously Conservative
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mikepfs, evanslynne, fuzislippers, betsirauss, faith4liberty, mnrobot, MrEvilMatt, gumbi5, lilleth71,c0nservative1, GetRidOfCzars, MrBlog1, matthewrnewman, KamaainaInOC, CO2HOG, MariaDoraValle, unicornmajik, houstonmom, Ed4Congress, KathyK55, qstarweb, missebby, rehabable, TC_Lady, ConservativeEye, maggiesnotebook, TenBuckFridays
mikepfs, evanslynne, fuzislippers, betsirauss, faith4liberty, mnrobot, MrEvilMatt, gumbi5, lilleth71,c0nservative1, GetRidOfCzars, MrBlog1, matthewrnewman, KamaainaInOC, CO2HOG, MariaDoraValle, unicornmajik, houstonmom, Ed4Congress, KathyK55, qstarweb, missebby, rehabable, TC_Lady, ConservativeEye, maggiesnotebook, TenBuckFridays
linked over to you for voting.
Thank you! You can post the poll too and the numbers will be cumulative.
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Linked over here to the voting from
Old Line Elephant too!
MN: Thanks!
Happy to link you guys.
Patrick Murray is a fine chap, and running against an uber-tool in the form of Jim Moran in VA-8.
Please consider him for a future sawbuck Friday.
Thanks again for the giant megaphone, and thanks for nominating a candidate!
Thanks RightKlik for getting the word out like this! I would love to see Thug Etheridge lose his 7-term hold so I voted for Renee Ellmers.
Thanks for voting!
The link you gave me doesn't give me the same poll that you have listed.
Corrected. Please try this again:
You had to of known I'd vote for Buddy Simpson,and thanks for posting him up. He need to get in to replace GA Rep. Judy Manning - who is an anti-gun Republican.
Hi RK, I'd like to nominate Anna Little for next weeks poll.
More info on her can be found in this post:
and if you need more than that I can get it to you.
LC: Very good choice. I was hoping someone would nominate her soon.
One question - will next week see a whole new set of nominees or will some of the nominees be able to be renominated?
MN: Next week's poll will be based on the nominations that come in this week. So old names can come up again.
Hi RK, here's another nominee. I personally will be donating to both the winner and schiff simply because of the time factor involved. you can read about the battle at this link:
Keep up the good work guys!
Hi RK:
I finally got my post up last night. I also put blog posts up about TBF on:
Smart Girl Politics
Team Sarah
Hopefully, this will help spread the word!
Rubio for sure. Crist is leading him at the moment, so he needs our help.
Rubio. Not to mention Nikki Haley
LC: Thanks for the tip. I haven't been paying enough attention to that race.
JINGOIST: Thanks for your support!
TC: Please share the links!
FS: Rubio certainly needs our help. Crist is unacceptable.
MA: Both great candidates.
Newest TBF Links:
I'll do a post on this later this week, probably on Thursday, RK.
Fuzzy Slippers: Thank you. I'm looking forward to it.
I'm planning to renominated Rutledge next week. But, another good, conservative candidate is Charles Lollar. Young, black Republican trying to take on House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD).
How come you didn't have LTC Allen West on there? That's where my money goes...and I'm not anywhere close to his district.
MN: Lollar is great. Many deserving candidates, only 19 weeks till the election! A good problem to have.
MJ: Good question! I'll be disappointed if he doesn't win one of our polls sooner or later.
Please consider Eric Wargotz for your next TBF poll. He is a conservative running against the long time liberal Barbara Mikulski. Check out his website
Arnie: Thanks for the nomination. Looks like Mikulski has several eager opponents.
I'll put Wargotz on the list for next week.
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