Saturday, June 26, 2010

Last Chance for TBF Nominations

Ten-Buck Fridays ROCK...and Twenty's Twice as Nice!

A new Ten Buck Fridays Poll goes up tomorrow (Sunday) at noon. We already have several excellent nominations:

If you want to add a nomination or second an existing one, now is the time! And if you have a minute to tell us about your favorite candidate, please do.


Nice Deb supports TBF!

Another Ten Buck Friday shout from Smitty at The Other McCain!


Maggie Thornton said...

I'm nominating Marco Rubio, although I am torn. I really want to donate to Allen West too. All of these are worthy nominations.

I simply cannot stand the thought of Crist getting that Senate seat, AND I think Rubio will make a great Senator.

While the GOP is supporting Rubio NOW they anointed Crist far too early. Hopefully, those NRSC bad habits will die with our heavy involvement.

RightKlik said...

This is a great list of nominees. I might have to flip a coin!

I think the voters will make an excellent decision.

The Conservative Lady said...

Problem with Crist is that he is getting Democrat support, along with the Republicans that "owe" him allegiance or are just too dumb to realize what an opportunist he is.
Whoever wins the poll will be worthy of the bucks, as only good guys/gals will be listed there.
Looking forward to posting it tomorrow.

RightKlik said...

TCL: I don't know how Floridians could send someone as scummy as Crist to the Senate, but the poll numbers have been scary.

Mad Jen said...

Thank you for putting West in there. I do not trust Rubio and haven't since the first time I heard him speak. He just seems to be going through the motions saying what he knows we want to hear in order to get elected (Rubio's reaction to the Arizona immigration law much?), while you can tell that West LIVES by his principles. He's never afraid to speak his mind and say what might seem unpopular or politically incorrect and that makes me trust him. Plus the man knows his stuff! He can belt out ancient history as though he has teleprompters permanently implanted into his eyeballs! I have met a woman who knows West personally and she says he is highly loved and respected in his community and that he is a top notch man. I can't argue with that!