You may remember that earlier this month, Obama asked ordinary Americans to give the gift of their ideas and input to help him implement his vague Utopian vision for the future of health care in America. This got me really excited (please don't miss the sarcasm here), and I volunteered to lead and moderate one of his Health Care Community Discussions. For your convenience, the discussion will be right here, right now, online. Obama sent me a Moderator Guide and a Participant Guide, so we're ready to go!
Here are the questions from the Participant Guide, with some "sample answers" from yours truly. What are your thoughts?
1. Briefly, from your own experience, what do you perceive is the biggest problem in the health system?
Government intrusion is CLEARLY the biggest problem with the health system. Meddlesome government policy makers are responsible for the high price of health insurance, the limited selection of insurers, the lack of emphasis on prevention, and the quirky system wherein health insurance is usually linked with employment.
2. How do you choose a doctor or hospital? What are your sources of information? How should public policy promote quality health care providers?
I think that the best way to choose a physician or a hospital is to ask family and friends. I see no legitimate role for the government in this area.
3. Have you or your family members ever experienced difficulty paying medical bills? What do you think policy makers can do to address this problem?
For most of my adult life, I was uninsured. I payed for medical expenses out of pocket. I have been blessed with good health and I have taken very good care of myself. I exercise. I do not engage in any self-destructive behaviors. I want your "policy makers" to stay out of my life. When my family members need help, I help them. They would do the same for me. I know there are people who aren't as lucky as I have been. That's what private insurance and private charity are for.
4. In addition to employer-based coverage, would you like the option to purchase a private plan through an insurance-exchange or a public plan like Medicare?
What part of "get out of my life" do you not understand?
5. Do you know how much you or your employer pays for health insurance? What should an employer’s role be in a reformed health care system?
I think that employers and governments should not be involved in the health care system. To make a reasonable compromise, we might consider getting serious about Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).
6. Another stupid question...skip.
7. How can public policy promote healthier lifestyles?
Here's something for your policy makers: stop giving food stamps to fat people!
8. What do you perceive is the biggest problem in the health system?
a. Cost of health insurance
b. Cost of health care services
c. Difficulty finding health insurance due to a pre-existing condition
d. Lack of emphasis on prevention
e. Quality of health care
f. Meddlesome government policy makers like Barack Obama and his health care czar, Tom Daschle
Watch out for the iPod tax.
From the "Get a life" file: Obama's inaugural choice sparks outrage
Iran could attack US with nuclear bomb
With global economic turmoil, the price of oil continues to plummet. Good news for you, bad news for Ahmadinejad, Chavez and Putin.
Self-reliance...why has it become so unfashionable? Giving Thanks for Self-Reliant Americans
3. Have you or your family members ever experienced difficulty paying medical bills?What do you think policy makers can do to address this problem?
For most of my adult life, I was uninsured. I payed for medical expenses out of pocket. I have been blessed with good health and I have taken very good care of myself. I exercise. I do not engage in any self-destructive behaviors. I want your "policy makers" to stay out of my life.
Funny that this is the one that bothers the Left so much. Michelle Malkin shared my story http://michellemalkin.com/2008/11/27/giving-thanks-for-self-reliant-americans, and the hate that I have received for living healthier and being more cautious has been incredible. I get many comments on both my blogs even though they are not linked, and MM didn't mention my pen of jen.
I am treated like an imbecile for not wanting others to provide for me.
My eyes have been awakened to the absolute HATE from the Left. No compassion for why we are living the way we are- nothing...just plain venom. My guess is that Obama has empowered them and it will only become more intense.
Long winded-forgive me!
My eyes have been awakened to the absolute HATE from the Left. No compassion for why we are living the way we are- nothing...just plain venom.
I suppose you know that there are many on the Left who would say the same about the Right based on their position on gay marriage or allowing gay folk to adopt. No compassion for why they'd want to do such a wholesome thing, just hatred because of presumed sinfulness on the Right's part.
Now, I know that it's not all those on the Right who are hateful towards gay folk, just the loudest ones. Just as not all on the Left are hateful towards you because you don't want gov't healthcare. Just the loudest ones.
Point taken Dan...and a wise reminder. We are allowing the fringe of each side of the political spectrum to rule.
It is time to take back our government...
and to the presumed sinfulness of others...that is what bothers me as a Christian. You see as one that is a Christian I understand one thing very clearly- we all are sinners and sinful-all(Romans 3:23)
I apologize to have sorted the entire Left in this manner. It is a tad personal as I receive at least 5 venomous comments per day on both of my blogs.
Understandable. Sorry about that.
HW: I really appreciated that story. I found it on Real Clear Politics and posted a link in my post on Nov 29.
Did you send these responses? Please tell me you did? He needs to hear this stuff.
Yes, I am sending the responses. I also plan to send the results of my poll to Obama/Daschle. Everyone please vote!
good for you and keep on hitting away.
well of course they're not listening yet, but you gotta start somewhere.
"In addition to employer-based coverage" I want repeal of the tax preference for employer-based coverage.
HA! No offense, but your poll isn't exactly created to generate an unbiased result. You throw that last one in there and people like me will completely ignore all the other, probably more valid choices just to be able to vote, again, against D'ohbama.
But I won't begrudge you that. ;-)
Great answers
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