Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Silencing Conservatives With Lies

My latest post on American Thinker:

...Proprty rights alone do not explain this sabotage.

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Timeshare Jake said...

I can't believe they can't use the parking lot when the mall is closed. Give me a break!

Linda said...

The 'lefties' will do anything to keep the 'right' from being heard. I sincerely hope this group will be able to have their tea party.

RightKlik said...

BB: It was a politically driven power play.

Linda: That Tea Party was cancelled. Zero chance of bringing it back, unfortunately. But there will be another protest at the Capitol in Atlanta by another group.

Z said...

Wait..YOU WROTE that for American Thinker? You're Jason Lee?


RightKlik said...

Z: Yes. I've been lucky enough to have a couple of things posted on American Thinker lately.

Z said...

that is did a great job, RK.

(your comment about tea party metaphors cracked me up, thanks!)

RightKlik said...

Z: Thank you.

Left Coast Rebel said...

RK - You are awesome and American Thinker picking you up is not surprising to me. You are one of the best. I hope to work on some collobarative stuff with you! To think, I was enthralled to be featured on TheOtherMcCain..... :)

RightKlik said...

LCR: Thanks. I'm still very interested in collaborative projects. I haven't had the time to move things as quickly as I had planned, but I think this upcoming week will provide the opportunity to make a lot of progress.