Based on EIA and CBO data. Dollars in millions, cost to customers in 2012.
Are you a looter, or one of the victims?
Based on the allowance allocation formula in [the Cap and Trade bill] for electricity consumers, the red states will not have enough allowances to cover their emissions from electricity generation. The shortfall in allowances to the red states will lead to higher electricity costs for consumers, the total of which will roughly correlate with the dollar losses noted on the map. For example, Texas electricity consumers will see electricity costs go up by roughly $1 billion. To make up the shortfall, red states will have to seek high-cost, non-CO2 emitting electricity sources, reduce electricity production and consumption, purchase allowances from the green states, or purchase domestic and international offsets...
People from the electoral-jackpot states — New York and California — stand to benefit handsomely from Obama's "Cap and Trade" energy tax. Folks from other states, especially the rubes from fly-over country, won't be so lucky. Bitter clingers from Pennsylvania will be paying the electric bill for people in New York. Gun nuts in Georgia will carry the water for the citizens of Connecticut. Bible thumpers in Texas will subsidize the cost of living in California.
Spreading the wealth around: America asked for it, Obama will deliver. Elections have consequences!
If you are from a looter state, don't forget to call and thank the tr8tors for their vote. (It is interesting to note that all of the Republican defectors, except Mark Kirk, are from looter states.)
The Cap and Trade bill was narrowly passed by the House.
WSJ: It's no coincidence that the liberals most invested in cap and trade — Barbara Boxer, Henry Waxman, Ed Markey — come from California or the Northeast.