Friday, June 5, 2009

Hussein in Cairo

Some notes and observations on Obama’s speech in Cairo:

I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.
Really?  With all you have on your plate, this is a priority?
So let there be no doubt: Islam is a part of America.
Oh, there’s no doubt: 9-11-01, 5-20-09, 6-1-09,2933,524799,00.html …yeah, we get the picture.
Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.
This is one of the most asinine statements I have ever encountered. 
The Holy Koran teaches that whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all mankind.
Tell your Muslim amigos to stop skipping over that part of the Holy Koran.
9/11 was an enormous trauma to our country. The fear and anger that it provoked was understandable, but in some cases, it led us to act contrary to our ideals. We are taking concrete actions to change course. I have unequivocally prohibited the use of torture by the United States, and I have ordered the prison at Guantanamo Bay closed by early next year.
Never stop appologizing Hussein!  You’ll earn enormous respect.
Unlike Afghanistan, Iraq was a war of choice…
Obama’s reference to the 2003 invasion of Iraq as a “war of choice” touched at least one nerve.  Iraqi National Security Adviser Muwafaq Rubaie said that while it was a war of choice, “it was a good choice, because that choice brought down one of the most brutal dictators in history.”
More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations. 
Aww, that’s so sad!
[Palestinians] endure the daily humiliations – large and small – that come with occupation.
So they know what it’s like to be a conservative living in ObamaNation.
No system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other.
America imposed systems of government — thank goodness — in Germany, Japan, and South Korea.
I strongly reaffirmed America’s commitment to seek a world in which no nations hold nuclear weapons.
You naif!
I do have an unyielding belief that all people yearn for certain things: the ability to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed; confidence in the rule of law and the equal administration of justice; government that is transparent and doesn’t steal from the people; the freedom to live as you choose. Those are not just American ideas, they are human rights, and that is why we will support them everywhere.
You believe in free speech?  The rule of law? Equal adminstration of justice? Transparent government? Government that doesn’t steal from people?  The freedom to live as you choose?  Ha! Could have fooled me!  Your actions speak louder than your words. eq justice rule law freesp freesp transparency obama theft
This last point is important because there are some who advocate for democracy only when they are out of power; once in power, they are ruthless in suppressing the rights of others.
You would know. rights
For instance, in the United States, rules on charitable giving have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligation. That is why I am committed to working with American Muslims to ensure that they can fulfill zakat.  [Zakat: It is an obligation on Muslims to pay 1/40 (2.5%) of the wealth which they have had for a full lunar year.]
What exactly is Obama talking about here?  Does he want to make it easier for Muslims to contribute to terrorist organizations?  Apparently no one knows where Obama’s going with this.
In Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia, we have seen Muslim-majority countries elect a woman to lead. Meanwhile, the struggle for women’s equality continues in many aspects of American life, and in countries around the world.
Hey, thanks for defeating Hillary Clinton!
It is easier to blame others than to look inward…
Is that why you always blame America first?

I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.

Really?  With all you have on your plate, this is a priority?

Let there be no doubt: Islam is a part of America.

Oh, there’s no doubt: 9-11-01, 5-20-096-1-09 …yeah, we get the picture.

Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.

This is one of the most asinine statements I have ever encountered. 

The Holy Koran teaches that whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all mankind.

Tell your Muslim amigos to stop skipping over that part of the Holy Koran.

9/11 was an enormous trauma to our country. The fear and anger that it provoked was understandable, but in some cases, it led us to act contrary to our ideals. We are taking concrete actions to change course. I have unequivocally prohibited the use of torture by the United States, and I have ordered the prison at Guantanamo Bay closed by early next year.

Never stop apologizing, groveling and pandering Hussein!  You’ll earn enormous respect.

Unlike Afghanistan, Iraq was a war of choice…

Obama’s reference to the 2003 invasion of Iraq as a “war of choice” touched at least one nerve.  Iraqi National Security Adviser Muwafaq Rubaie said that while it was a war of choice, “it was a good choice, because that choice brought down one of the most brutal dictators in history.”

More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations. 

Aww, that’s so sad!

[Palestinians] endure the daily humiliations – large and small – that come with occupation.

So they know what it’s like to be a conservative living in an ObamaNation.

No system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other.

America imposed systems of government — thank goodness — in Germany, Japan, and South Korea. 

I strongly reaffirmed America’s commitment to seek a world in which no nations hold nuclear weapons.

You naif!

I do have an unyielding belief that all people yearn for certain things: the ability to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed; confidence in the rule of law and the equal administration of justice; government that is transparent and doesn’t steal from the people; the freedom to live as you choose. Those are not just American ideas, they are human rights, and that is why we will support them everywhere.

You believe in free speech?  The rule of law? Equal administration of justice? Transparent government? Government that doesn’t steal from people?  The freedom to live as you choose?  Ha! Could have fooled me!  Your actions speak louder than your words.

There are some who advocate for democracy only when they are out of power; once in power, they are ruthless in suppressing the rights of others.

You would know.

For instance, in the United States, rules on charitable giving have made it harder for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligation. That is why I am committed to working with American Muslims to ensure that they can fulfill zakat. [Zakat: an obligation on Muslims to pay 1/40 (2.5%) of the wealth which they have had for a full lunar year.]

What exactly is Obama talking about here?  Does he want to make it easier for Muslims to contribute to terrorist organizations? Apparently no one knows where Obama’s going with this.

In Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia, we have seen Muslim-majority countries elect a woman to lead. Meanwhile, the struggle for women’s equality continues in many aspects of American life, and in countries around the world.

Hey, thanks for defeating Hillary Clinton!

It is easier to blame others than to look inward…

Is that why you always blame America first?

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La Shawn said...

Obama’s apologizing for being dictatorial … to Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, and the Castros. As for “dictat[ing] our terms,” we used to call that defending American interests. When negotiating, people try to get the best terms for themselves. We didn’t send gunboats to Venezuela or Bolivia during the Bush administration, and the only people seizing assets over the last eight years have been the Venezuelans under Chavez.

Once again, we have the new President embarking on the “We Suck ‘09″ tour, kicked off in Europe, where he felt the need to apologize for the last administration’s efforts to defend America’s interests on the international stage. Obama likes to call this “smart power” and tells us we’ll get more by appearing humble than by pursuing our interests in the normal fashion. So far, the rest of the world has applauded Obama’s performance — and gone on to reject our requests for economic cooperation, combat troops for Afghanistan, partnership with Russia against Iran, and North Korean continuation of the six-party nuclear disarmament talks without launching long-range missiles over Japan.

WomanHonorThyself said...

we knew this was coming...predictable and sick sick sick my friend!!!

Anonymous said...

Another EXCELLENT blog by the blog master.

Great Job RK

suek said...

Your analysis is too kind. Really...way too kind!

Check this one out...

Z said...

YOu and I are about the only ones who found the "president's job" line the most troubling of the whole speech, I guess.
Thanks so much for your comments at my place.
But, really, the time a president has to spend on important things is so secondary to the fact that he'd even CONSIDER that OUR PRESIDENT'S job is to protect islam around the world, don't you think? It's absolutely astonishing.
It's getting scary, RightKlik....scarier by the day.

Nacilbupera said...

My favorite “war of choice” was the American Revolution when we decided to pick a war on an oppressive government--and it all began with a tea party….hmmm. BTW RK, you did a another splendid job on your analysis!

C4SA said...

I thought that Obama's speech was horrifically nauseating.
The caliber of stupidity that flows from this man's mouth is MIND-BOGGLING.Obama says he believes that there are Israelis who want peace, giving off the impression that the normal assumption anyone would make is that all of Israel is against peace. From previous peace offers and agreements to the fact that Israelis have many times elected governments for the purpose of negotiating away land in exchange for promises of peace, it would seem obvious that most Israelis want peace. Also he confuses the desire for peace with the acceptance of a "two-state solution" that many Israelis now believe will bring them more war.

He talks about the "legitimate rights" of the "Palestinian people" but never mentions the desire for autonomy, independence or statehood for any people who don't claim the Jews are occupying their land.

He talks about Israel stopping all settlements as called for in the Road Map to Peace. He talks as if that same road map has no specific and measurable obligations that the Palestinians are supposed to take. He also doesn't believe his government must honor US commitments to Israel made by previous administrations.

Obama says we are not a Christian nation or a Jewish or Muslim nation, but a nation of citizens. He then later says that we could be considered (inaccurately) one of the biggest Muslim countries in the world.
Obama criticizes Netanyahu for not verbally committing himself to the "two-state solution." I have never heard him criticize Abbas regarding his refusal to accept Israel as a Jewish state or his refusal to acknowledge Jewish rights and historical connection to Israel. In fact, I don't recall him criticizing Abbas on any issue of importance.
The president's speech is so detestable from the beginning that I can't bother finishing it. He tells a Muslim audience of how Ellison was sworn in on Jefferson's Koran but doesn't explain that Jefferson read the Koran to gain an understanding of the faith responsible for holding Americans hostage in Algiers. You might have the impression John Adams respected the laws of Islam but here's what he really thought of that religion :"THE ESSENCE OF HIS (Mohammed's) DOCTRINE WAS VIOLENCE AND LUST: TO EXALT THE BRUTAL OVER THE SPIRITUAL PART OF HUMAN NATURE" (Adam's capital letters). I gather President Adams' "tolerance" toward Islam is a little musunderstood by President Haremboy.

I'm sure there's more crap in this speech but I can't read this.

RightKlik said...

La Shawn: Obama seems to think that America is the world's biggest problem. And he apparently thinks he can make America better by addressing the concerns of the rest of the world rather than representing us.

WHT: Yes we did, and it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

DD2: Thank you sir.

Seuk: Wow they really ripped Obama apart. Now I don't feel so mean.

Z: Scary? Yes. But I think Americans are beginning to wake up to the Obama problem.

nacilbupera: Thank you much. Great point. Really, is there any war that wasn't a war of choice? Someone always has to choose to start these things.

C4SA: Great points and important insights. Obama is very busy rewriting history and advancing straw-man arguments. It's truly disgusting.

Amusing Bunni said...

RK, this is an EXCELLENT disection of the facist in chiefs "We Suck '09" tour (Luv that, LaShawn)

Everywhere he goes, he shows what he is, a Muslim who is against America. Why doesn't someone in the armed forces arrest him for not defending our interests?

He was especially sickening with that sh*t eating grin in the pyramids when he discovered the big earned martain cave drawing that looked EXACTLY like him.

I wouldn't be surprised if his minions went in earlier and carved it themselves. Either that, or this proves he is an alien from another planet sent to destroy the world. The groveling and butt licking never ends. GOD help us all. He is the WORSE thing to happen to the USA in our entire HISTORY. It's sad when he makes Carter and Hillary look Good.

RightKlik said...

AB: "He is the WORSE thing to happen to the USA in our entire HISTORY."

It sure does look that way. Maybe we can undo most of the damage if we get him out in 2012.