Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sarah Palin’s Gentle Shade of Purple

Here's some good stuff from Tim Daniel (a.k.a. Left Coast Rebel), now writing for Pajama's Media:

"Long before Palin’s endorsement, Fiorina was seen as the far less purist-conservative candidate in the tea party age. The endorsement went directly against the grassroots current for Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, the failed primary candidate. Many DeVore fans and tea party activists expressed their dissatisfaction with Palin’s Fiorina-boost.

"But something beyond boiled-over tea party activist discontent was brewing.

"Palin’s endorsement motive was dubbed “feminist over tea partier.” This introduced a new dynamic into the race — an extension of Palin’s pink-elephant effort to mobilize the election success of conservative women across America. Riding the tea party wave, Palin sought challengers to the traditional liberal female office seeker..."

Read it all here...


Left Coast Rebel said...

Thanks, RK - love the graphic, where did you find that?

RightKlik said...

Googled "pink GOP elephant." I had to clean it up a bit with photoshop.

Coco Rico said...

Yes, I saw this as well when it was first posted. I wasn't sure what to make of the article. I live in California. I think Palin's endorsement might have hurt Fiorina, were it not for the abhorrent state of the economy here. People are at such wit's end, I don't think they are fussing much about Palin's thoughts on our politics. But I agree, Palin's choice might have alienated some West Coast tea partiers, yet it's doubtful they will abandon her, because they can't replace her with a different icon very easily.

Nice blog by the way! Mine is at and if you could comment in defense of Palin from time to time I'd be so grateful. I get slaughtered by liberals so often there!