Saturday, September 26, 2009

Building a Religion

Today's of my favorites:

*Censored by YouTube: watch at your own risk!

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Dylan John Callahan said...

I don't what it is... but I suddenly feel... happy... like everything is going to be... okay...

I see a bright light...

Soloman said...

Wow.. what a great piece of work about.. well, a piece of work...

Ray said...

Rk this is a great video I thought too, I posted it too 2 months before the calamity came, here back on 9/008

WomanHonorThyself said...


Z said...

Heh! That's great!

I've been driving Mr Z nuts strolling around the house chanting "Mmm mmm mmm..Barack Hussein Obama.." in a kind of "Egyptian" fingers raised kind of funk!

I'll have to sell him a key chain now! :)

Anonymous said...

What a beauty. I don't see why they'd ban it. There was much worse stuff against Bush-Cheney.

WomanHonorThyself said...

NIMBY either !!

JaneLovesJesus said...

Cult o' personality! Nicely done.