Thursday, October 4, 2012

10 Best lines...

...from Mitt Romney in last night's debate:

9.  "You said you get a deduction for taking a plant overseas. Look, I’ve been in business for 25 years. I have no idea what you’re talking about."

8.  "Mr. President, you’re entitled as the president to your own airplane and to your own house, but not to your own facts."

7.  "We have to work on a collaborative basis, not because we’re going to compromise our principle, but because there’s common ground."

6.  "You put $90 billion into green jobs... That would have hired 2 million teachers. $90 billion."

5.  "I wouldn’t designate five banks as too big to fail and give them a blank check. That’s one of the unintended consequences of Dodd-Frank."

4.  "I will eliminate all programs by this test, if they don’t pass: Is the program so critical it’s worth borrowing money from China to pay for it?"

3.  "The problem with raising taxes is that it slows down the rate of growth. And you could never quite get the job done. I want to lower spending and encourage economic growth at the same time."

2.  "I think it’s, frankly, not moral for my generation to keep spending massively more than we take in, knowing those burdens are going to be passed on to the next generation and they’re going to be paying the interest and the principal all their lives. And the amount of debt we’re adding, at a trillion a year, is simply not moral."

1.  "The president has a view very similar to the view he had when he ran four years, that a bigger government, spending more, taxing more, regulating more -- if you will, trickle-down government -- would work. That’s not the right answer for America."

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