If Republicans want to offer a clear alternative to the reckless shenanigans of the socialist democrat party, and more importantly, if Republicans want to play a role in pulling this country from the brink of financial ruin, they're on the wrong track.
The reliably conservative GOP loyalists at RedState are nearly fed up:
Just the other day I said the answer is “no” to the question “should the House GOP replace John Boehner.” The more we’ve found out about that budget deal, the more I think I might be wrong. Maybe we need Speaker Bachmann instead...At a time when Republican leaders are trying to look “grown up” and “reasonable” in the eyes of the Washington Press Corps, Michele Bachmann is fighting the left.Michele Bachmann is willing to pick a fight to replace Obamacare when John Boehner and Eric Cantor are willing to roll over. Bachmann is willing to pick a fight on the debt ceiling when the leadership is, even now, negotiating an increase in the debt ceiling while yet again selling out conservatives...
Yes, the Republican Party is screwing conservatives to the wall and giving the Tea Party the shaft. But much more tragically, they're selling out Americans who are too young to vote yet.
If today's Republican officeholders don't get their act together pronto, their future will not be bright. The Tea Party giveth, and the Tea Party taketh away. Remember Charlie Crist? Bob Bennett? Trey Grayson? Stinky Scozzafava?
Bob Bennett, Mike Castle, Rick Lazio ...
I've always said that the democrats can't handle defeat while the republicans can't handle success. They had a chance and they're bound and determined to blow it!
I am just asking, but would you have prefered that they let the gov't shut down and the military not get paid?
I am willing to cut them a little slack because the reality is that their is only so much that they can do. If they come somehow get it things through the senate the president has to sign it.
All they can really do is slow things down until Obama is out of office.
I would like the GOP to refrain from making promises that they can't keep (or don't intend to keep). $100 billion in cuts became $38 billion which turn out to be only worth $352 million.
Sorry, but if the Dems choose to hold the military hostage every time we come to a crossroads on our path to national bankruptcy, that's on them. We can't allow them use that as an infinite trump card.
I don't buy this "1/2 of 1/3 of the government" nonsense the Repubs are whining about, either. When they were campaigning in 2010, they knew Dems would still hold the White House and the Dems would more than likely control the Senate.
Moreover, the People's House holds the power of the purse. Boehner should use that power to execute the will of the people who gave him that power.
I'm hoping they draw a line with the debt ceiling.
They won't.
@Just a Conservative Girl: I believe that the last time the government "shut down", the President signed an emergency spending bill to assure that the Military continued to get paid. obama could have done the same thing but said that he wouldn't. I'm getting old and feeble minded, so you may want to check this out. I make no guarantees regarding my memory :)
I guess my expectations were lower than yours.
I didn't expect a great deal from them except to slow down the amount of spending Pelosi was doing.
They can't repeal Obamacare so it all for show.
I also thought it was a big mistake to put planned parenthood with military funding. Many people in this country looked at from the opposite view point than we did. They saw we were putting planned parenthood defunding before the military.
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