Left-wing hate
Alan Colmes says the Right is "struggling to draw equivalency with Obama-bashing."
There's no struggle. It's quite easy to find evidence of vile left-wing hatred and violence...it's abundant, and it's tolerated and accepted by mainstream lefties:
(Warning: totally NSFW)
- A look back at some of the crazed radicals the media spent years ignoring
- We support our troops when...
- ZombieTime Hall of Shame
- Bushitler
- Bush Monkey
- 21 Hateful Attacks on Sarah Palin
- Leftwing Violence at 2008 GOP Convention
- HuffPo offended by Tea Parties
Don't miss the misogynistic hate filth from this left-wing sex pig:
(Warning: totally NSFW)
- Twitter: WhoIsAgentZero
- Obama supporter (and Coffee Party Leader) Annabel Park seems to be okay with vulgar, violent sexism
No, the left-wing hatred that I've seen is NOT equivalent to the peaceful and mild mannered dissent that I've witnessed at the tea parties over the past year. The left-wing hate is truly disgusting.
Left-wing outrage over uncivil discourse was conspicuously absent two short years ago. Alan Colmes: During the Bush years, where was YOUR concern for incivility?
Extensive documentation of Left Wing hatred and filth from ZombieTime (NSFW)
Breitbart: If the LEFT stops eating our fingers, beating up black men, throwing eggs at our buses, threatening violence, perhaps we can work together!
RK: Not to mention their current hatred for sarah palin. You might want to put this up as further evidence. Although it is kind of scary.
EP: Thanks for the link. I'll post it. A lot of the Sarah Palin hate that I found was so toxic, I thought it wise not to link to it.
A few trips to the Democratic Underground Forum convinced me these people are bottom feeders. I never saw such language.
The other thing I find shocking is the language and such of the main stream lefties. The Rachael Maddows et al. Horrible behavior. They remind me of the "cool" crowd in high school (and about as bright)
The attacks on Sarah Palin don't even include the physical attacks, like the deranged egg throwers.
This is the age of debate in the country. Instead of having factual informative dicussions, we yell at each other, or worst - physically attack or use threats.
Think is, perhaps folks might listen to them and even see that perhaps they have a valued point of view if they didn't go about it the way they do. But no, the progressives and liberals rather use force. Which turns folk like me, who is more libertarian, off from them.
and they don't even see their hypocrisy.....Nobody on the Right DARES display their disregard for Obama in public, but let them complain about taxes in a civil manner and they're FAR FAR WORSE THAN THE LEFT WAS when they called Bush every ugly name under the sun.
Can you spell hypocrisy?
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