Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Obama Goes Ahead With Missile Defense Shield

Good news?  Obama might be half-serious about missile defense.  From Telegraph.co.uk:

"As long as the threat from Iran persists, we will go forward with a missile defence system that is cost-effective and proven," he told a crowd of about 20,000 gathered in Hradcany Square, next to Prague Castle.

"Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile activity poses a real threat, not just to the United States, but to Iran's neighbours and our allies."

He hailed the "courageous" Czech Republic and Poland for "agreeing to host a defence against these missiles". Russia is strongly opposed to radar stations for a missile defence shield being established in countries that it still regarded as within its sphere of influence.

But Mr Obama also spoke of the potential for a rapprochement with Iran that would remove the need for such a system.

"If the Iranian threat is eliminated, we will have a stronger basis for security, and the driving force for missile defence construction in Europe will be removed."

It sounds like Obama's support for missile defense is still too squishy.  If his commitment to missile defense is as serious as his commitment to free-market capitalism, we're in trouble. 


33 Minutes: Protecting America in the New Missile Age

Newt: I would've disabled the missile
Reacting to President Barack Obama’s speech in Prague, Gingrich called the plan for a Global Summit on Nuclear Security a “wonderful fantasy idea,” saying Russia and other nations can’t be trusted.

Here's the bottom line. Somewhere on this globe some nation or some organization is going to be more powerful than all of the others. Who is going to carry the big stick? Right now the choices seem to be between the United States, Russia, China or the United Nations. Go ahead ... chose one

Are you even at the "e-mail" stage of anger?

Tea Party in San Antonio
Don't Mess With Texas!


DaBlade said...

Obama is at war with his teleprompter on this one. I saw Newt on Fox stating that he would have taken this missile out. Gingrich will be in Flint on the speech circuit next month and DaBlade has a ticket. Can't wait. Americans are going back to pre-911 sleep on world dangers.

robert verdi said...

well its a start, remember this is Obama though, what he says is just as likely to be the opposite of what he plans.

Anonymous said...

"As long as the threat from Iran persists, we will go forward with a missile defence system that is cost-effective and proven," he told a crowd of about 20,000 gathered in Hradcany Square, next to Prague Castle.

O will forget he said this, depending on who he is addressing at the time.

suek said...

"cost-effective and proven"

Wonder if in his deliberately weasel worded way this will be his out...

"Gosh, you guys...if we could _just_ develop a missile defense that is _really_ proven to be effective...and is _cheap_!!

After all...we gave all that money to Italy for disaster relief..."

WomanHonorThyself said...

Iran is rarin to go and Israel will save the day..wait and see my friend!!

RightKlik said...

DaBlade: Ultimately Obama is going to cave into the wishes of the "world community" and leave us as close to defenseless as he possibly can.

RV: Absolutely.

M: There are too many "if"s, "and"s, and "but"s in his statement.

Suek: I think you are right. He has given himself a lot of wiggle room with his statement.

WHT: I think you're right. If Israel wants to continue to exist, they're going to have to be the ones who save the day.

Susannah said...

Yep, I'm taking myself to a tea party. Skippin' right over those emails & phone calls. Takin' myself to a tea party. Writin' my little blog, speakin' my small but fierce mind...etc., etc., etc.,

RightKlik said...

Susannah: It's now or never...

Susannah said...

Indeed. And let's not forget there's strength in numbers...

RightKlik said...

Susannah: "strength in numbers"

It would be a shame to be outnumbered by ACORN opereratives and Huffpost "observers"